Words To Live By

Growing up, a single question dominated my thoughts. What was the use? What was the use of getting out of bed, of combing your hair, of breathing, all that breathing? What was the use of anything when all of life inevitably came grinding to an end? By 17, I was waking up in the middle… Continue reading Words To Live By

Categorized as April

Into The Den

Back when I was a kid, I often carried around a cassette tape recorder, an outstretched mic created a buffer between me and the world. Recording was my way of managing life. And so I recorded everything, my parents’ arguments and their phone calls and my mom pretending to mime Lingala songs. Mostly though I… Continue reading Into The Den

Categorized as April

Love in The Clouds….Part Two

Hudson got on Facebook. And he started messaging as many people as possible. He didn’t care about age or religion, just anyone over 18, could breathe and overseas who might be interested in a relationship. In his search for a new relationship, Hudson messaged over 150 random people on Facebook. My friend Hudson was eagerly… Continue reading Love in The Clouds….Part Two

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